Ranchland to Rooftops
One of Florida's biggest open spaces--the massive property in east-central Florida owned by the Mormon Church--is opening itself to development. Plans envision more than 200,000 homes, 25,000 hotel...
View ArticleGerm Fighter
Justin Zhou worries about germs everywhere, including on athletic equipment like batting helmets. "There's no really good way to treat it," says Zhou, president and cofounder of Blue Wave. BlueWave,...
View ArticleFried Potatoes: Potatoes Might Not Be in the Future for One Award-Winning...
Shortly after Alan Jones and his family established a potato farm in northern Manatee County in the late 1980s, Jones started hearing that fertilizer runoff from farms near the coast might be...
View ArticleWilson Bradshaw: (Former President of Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort...
* Man, we were building buildings. We were adding programs. I likened my job at FGCU to building a jetliner while flying it at 30,000 feet. * When I talk to young people today, and I tell them about...
View Article7 Smart Reasons for Your Payroll Clients to Use Time Clocks
7 Smart Reasons for Your Payroll Clients to Use Time Clocks Looking to enhance your payroll offering? There's no better way than placing time clocks in your clients' businesses. Time clocks are simple...
View ArticleOutside Influences: Chefs from New York and Abroad Are Stepping Up Their...
When they say, "the New Yorkers are coming" in Miami these days, they're talking about famous chefs and foods from the Big Apple, not tourists. This year's crop of imports is especially large. Longtime...
View ArticleReaching New Heights
View ArticleNeuroscience Pillar
No Florida university has been as well sited to take advantage of the state's massive investment in out-of-state life science research organizations as Florida Atlantic University. Rather than pump the...
View ArticleAnalysis Breakthrough
Here's the problem in chemical testing for medical labs, coroners and environmental scientists: Analyzing a substance--blood on a towel, for example, means separating it from the sample, and that takes...
View ArticleNational Science Foundation
* The NSF is a federal agency that supports research and education involving science and engineering in non-medical fields. The numbers below reflect grants received since January 2017. * 40--Number of...
View ArticleAutistic Students: Unlocking Potential
Every year, about 16,000 people diagnosed with autism head off to higher education. Roughly one in three pursues a degree in science, technology, engineering or math. Unfortunately, people on the...
View ArticleFlipped Discs: Lake County Taps Niche Sports to Capitalize on Its Abundance...
With a population of fewer than 350,000 people, Lake County doesn't have the resources to compete against Disney World or even neighboring Seminole County when it comes to sports offerings. To build...
View ArticleDuke Energy's Annual Shareholder Meeting
Speaking at Duke Energy's annual shareholder meeting in May, CEO Lynn Good said the company will invest $11 billion to generate more electricity from natural gas and renewables. "By retiring coal...
View ArticleRooftop Solar
At Encore, a new $450-million downtown Tampa urban renewal project, solar panels have been installed on three of four residential buildings in a public housing complex and will be installed on the...
View ArticleBing Runs Our of Energy
In 2011, Bing Energy, a fuel-cell technology startup, moved from Chino, Calif., to Tallahassee, planning to create 250 jobs. The company was based on research by Florida State University professor Jian...
View ArticleSupply Side: A Gainesville Company Supplies Natural Gas to Utilities in 15...
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the federal government restructured the regulations governing the operators of interstate natural gas pipelines. The changes meant that gas customers no longer had to...
View ArticleHealth Care Discoveries for the Modern Age: Nova Southeastern University's...
NSU Researchers to Tackle Sarcoma Researchers around the world are investigating ways to effectively train immune cells, including natural killer (NK) cells, to target specific types of tumors. NK...
View ArticleSwimming in Plastic
Many Floridians know about plastic pollution in the ocean. What they may not know is that it's also a problem in most of Florida's streams, rivers and coastal waters. Just how big a problem is hard to...
View ArticleMining Jobs: A Phosphate-Mining Project Promises Jobs and Draws Opposition
Last year, a group of four landowners formed a company called HPS Enterprises and filed applications to establish a phosphate mining operation on 3,600 acres in Union County and 3,800 acres in...
View ArticleCrop Shift: Miami-Dade Farmers Have Turned to Ornamental Plants and Trees
Along with Miami-Dade County's metropolitan distinctions is another, less urban: The county ranks first in Florida in the production of ornamental plants and No. 2 nationwide in plant and tree...
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